The Importance of AI in DOOH Advertising


Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising has become increasingly popular in the marketing world due to its ability to reach a wide audience in high-traffic areas. However, ensuring that these billboards are functioning properly and displaying the correct content can be a challenging task. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes in to play.

Realtime Monitoring

AI technology can be used to monitor DOOH billboards in realtime, allowing advertisers to keep track of their campaigns and ensure that the right content is being displayed to the audience. By constantly analyzing the screen performance and advertising content, AI can detect any issues or malfunctions immediately.

Email Notifications

One of the key benefits of using AI in DOOH advertising is the ability to receive email notifications when a screen goes down or encounters advertising issues. This proactive approach allows advertisers to address any problems quickly and prevent potential revenue loss due to inactive billboards.

Improved Efficiency

By implementing AI technology for monitoring DOOH billboards, advertisers can improve their overall efficiency and reduce the time and resources required to manage their campaigns. With automated systems in place, advertisers can focus on creating engaging content rather than constantly monitoring the screens.


In conclusion, the use of AI in DOOH advertising is crucial for ensuring the effectiveness and performance of digital billboards. Realtime monitoring and email notifications provided by AI can help advertisers maintain control over their campaigns and address any issues promptly. By embracing AI technology, advertisers can enhance their DOOH advertising strategies and maximize the impact of their campaigns.